Episode 83

Start with Compassion – Amy Quesenberry

July 3, 2023

Click image to listen to Episode 83 of the Silence the Mindcluck Podcast

Are you taking intentional action to have the life you want?    

Join me for a great conversation with Amy Quesenberry, founder of Quesenberry Consulting.  After working remotely for many years, Amy had become complacent, isolated and depressed.  She shares the powerful epiphany she had which made her recognize that she needed to take intentional action to make her life better.  Amy was able to take the time to dive deep, to get through the layers that had been put upon her, and to figure out who she truly is.  From all of this inner work, she created a powerful framework called Start with Compassion.   There are so many helpful gems in this framework that will help you transform your own existence.  Join us and learn how to apply this framework to your life! 

What you’ll learn:  

  • We are all influenced by the connections we have in our lives…how are your connections enhancing your life?
  • By doing your best to stay open-minded, you will gain the ability to put yourself in other people’s shoes which can benefit both you and them in multiple ways.
  • Where you put your focus is what will grow! Choose your focus intentionally.
  • When you feel upset about something, take a moment to assess what’s really going on.  The answer may be different than you expect and that insight will be invaluable.
  • When you’re in a frustrating or annoying situation, check in with yourself to see if it’s possible to shift your perspective and feel better about it.
  • And so much more!

Connect with Amy:


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