Episode 76

Believe in Yourself

May 8, 2023

Click to listen to Episode 76 of the Silence the Mindcluck Podcast.

Do you believe in yourself and in your ability to achieve your goals?  Dr. Salvatore Forcina, author of the new book, “The American Doctor,” shares how he rose from the humblest of beginnings in Italy to become a much-admired surgeon in America.  His indefatigable determination got him through significant challenges in childhood and ultimately led him become the chief of surgery at two major hospitals.  His compelling story will inspire you to stay resilient and hopeful no matter what challenges you face. 

 What you’ll learn: 

  • Let the people in your life who truly love and support you help carry you through the tough times that are a part of life.
  • Asking for help may feel hard to do, but when you do it, not only do you get help, the person who provides the help/support gets the gift of feeling good about helping you!
  • When setting out to achieve big goals, if your motivation or energy flags, you can borrow it from those who love and believe in you—let them boost you up!
  • You have a flame inside you…even when you feel like your fire goes to ashes, with a little oxygen, it will relight…you can get that oxygen in all kinds of ways.
  • And so much more!

Connect with Dr. Forcina:

Dr. Forcina’s book: https://www.amazon.com/American-Doctor-Salvatore-J-Forcina/dp/1592112099/

Facebook: Dr. Salvatore Forcina

Instagram: @drsalvatoreforcinamd

Twitter: @DrSalForcina

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