Episode 58

Anxiously Fearless

February 20, 2023

Click image to listen to episode 58 of the Silence the Mindcluck Podcast

Sick of feeling anxious, reactive, lousy, etc. with nonstop mindcluck?  Do not miss this episode!  Joe Vandecar was at the top of his career at Apple but was experiencing incessant mindcluck, self-doubt and anxiety.  While self-medicating with alcohol, social media and other distractions, provided temporary solace, in reality, these actually fed and perpetuated all of his bad feelings.  Joe began a journal practice, for just 20 minutes a day, to start to understand what he was feeling and why.  He not only got to know his inner critic and understand the internal scripts being offered, he also learned how to re-write these scripts to ones that serve him well.  You can do this too! 

What you’ll learn:

  • By writing down what you feel and why you can recognize what’s going on for you which will enable you to shift your perspective and behavior.
  • Our internal voices are there to protect us.  By getting to know them we can understand that the scripts they are running are from historical data—what may have been true in the past, is likely not true now, and probably does not serve you well.
  • Everyone has the ability to re-write these scripts and re-train your inner voices to help and support you in a multitude of ways.
  • When your emotions are dialed up, it’s good to express them in safe ways and then reflect on what is really going on underneath.

Connect with Joe:


Joe’s Book, “Anxiously Fearless” will be out in May 2023.  Check back for a link!


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