Episode 70

Best of Episode: The Practice of Love with Lair Torrent

April 10, 2023

Click image to listen to Episode 70 of the Silence the Mindcluck Podcast

Married, in a relationship or want to be?  Want to have a stronger and happier relationship?

This is a best of the Silence the Mindcluck Podcast episode…Join me for an amazing conversation with Lair Torrent, an expert marriage and family therapist, coach and author.  Lair and I discuss the 5 practices of love that couples can utilize to heal limiting beliefs and habits, find deeper connection, and build stronger, healthier relationships that last.  Lair has done extensive research on both Western and Eastern philosophies and combined them to create a powerful toolkit.  Like anything we get good at, building a stronger, happier relationship takes practice!

What you’ll learn: 

 The 5 practices in a nutshell:

  • Mindfulness—being present in the moment
  • The parts of self—we are all made up of parts—identify and foster the part that is most open to connection
  • The narrative—interrupt negative stories partners tell about each other
  • Choosing—consciously choosing one’s partner to develop trust and intimacy
  • Personal responsibility—the foundation of everything 

Lair’s approach is unique and powerful, and really worth learning and practicing!

Connect with Lair:

On instagram: @lairtorrentholistictherapist 

Lair’s book: The Practice of Love: https://www.amazon.com/Practice-Love-Patterns-Rebuild-Connection/dp/B09K4PJ2T7/

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